Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

Nurses Station Software Care Plan Designer- Write Care Plan

Nurses Station Software Care Plan Designer- Write Care Plan

Nurses Station Software Care Plan Designer- Write Care Plancare to create a patient care plan. Each standard of care, nursing diagnosis or patient problem is fully editable so that care plan is ...

Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

Example Nursing Care Plan: Chest Tubes

Example Nursing Care Plan: Chest Tubes

Example Nursing Care Plan: Chest TubesCheck Out - Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care By Betty Ackley. This book has tons of great nursing plans ...

Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

How To Write A Nursing Diagnosis 2.mp4

How to write a nursing diagnosis 2.mp4

How to write a nursing diagnosis 2.mp4This version may make viewing on your mobile devices easier.

Senin, 27 Juni 2011

How To Write A Nursing Diagnosis.mov

How to write a nursing diagnosis.mov

How to write a nursing diagnosis.movIn this audio clip, you will learn the simple steps for writing a nursing diagnosis.

Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

Therapeutic Nursing Interventions In Psychiatric Conditions

Therapeutic Nursing Interventions in Psychiatric Conditions

Therapeutic Nursing Interventions in Psychiatric ConditionsTherapeutic Nursing Interventions in Psychiatric Conditions

Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

Rabu, 15 Juni 2011

Mosby's Manual Of Diagnostic And Laboratory Tests

Mosby's Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests

Widely used in both academic and clinical settings, this comprehensive resource provides clear, concise coverage of more than 700 of the most commonly performed diagnostic and laboratory tests - including 30 new to this edition. Chapters are organized by test type and begin with a list of the tests covered, followed by a test type overview with specimen collection techniques. Tests are presented in a consistent format with normal findings, indications, test explanation, procedure and patient care, and test results and clinical significance, as well as any applicable contraindications, potential complications, interfering factors, and related tests.

  • A full-color design and 127 photographs and illustrations depict procedures, equipment, techniques, and key concepts.
  • Provides comprehensive coverage of more than 700 diagnostic and laboratory tests routinely performed today.
  • UNIQUE! Test Results and Clinical Significance sections explain pathophysiology and how test results may indicate certain disease processes.
  • Color-coded thumb-tabs, alphabetically organized chapters, and two appendixes that list all tests - one in alphabetical order and the other organized by body system - make every test easy to find.
  • Critical Values alert you to situations requiring immediate intervention.
  • UNIQUE! Related Tests sections list tests that provide similar information or are used to evaluate the same body system, disease process, or symptom.
  • UNIQUE! Clinical Priorities boxes emphasize information that must be kept in mind when preparing a patient for testing, performing a test, and evaluating results.
  • UNIQUE! An icon for drug-related Interfering Factors alerts you to the effects of pharmacologic agents on tests.
  • A patient teaching icon indicates information that should be shared with patients and their families.
  • Home Care Responsibilities boxes provide important patient teaching guidelines and instructions for patients outside the acute care setting.
  • UNIQUE! Age-Related Concerns boxes address the special needs of pediatric and geriatric patients and critical age-related variations in values.
  • SI units are included in the Normal Findings section of appropriate tests.
  • Convenient lists of disease and organ panels, test abbreviations, and tests by body system offer quick access to frequently referenced information.
  • A comprehensive index includes the names of all tests and their synonyms, as well as other relevant terms found within test entries for quick access in the clinical setting.

  • Completely updated content with 30 new tests, including ductoscopy, thyroglobulin, lactoferrin, and human papillomavirus.

  • New full-color photographs and enhanced illustrations clarify key concepts and demonstrate testing techniques.


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Senin, 13 Juni 2011

B.J. Ackley MSN EdS RN's G. B. Ladwig MSN RN CHTP's Nursing Diagnosis Handbook 9th (Ninth) Edition(Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide To Planning Care [Paperback])(2010)

B.J. Ackley MSN EdS RN's G. B. Ladwig MSN RN CHTP's Nursing Diagnosis Handbook 9th (Ninth) edition(Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care [Paperback])(2010)


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Nursing Diagnosis And Intervention: A Care Planning Pocket Guide

Nursing Diagnosis and Intervention: A Care Planning Pocket Guide

This easy-to-use guide gives nurses instant access to information needed to write thorough, individualized care plans based on the most recent NANDA-approved nursing diagnoses. Nursing Interventions Classifications (NIC) and Nursing Outcome Classifications (NOC) are incorporated throughout. The guide presents diagnoses associated with medical, surgical, psychiatric, perinatal, and pediatric patient populations. Each Plan of Care includes: definition of nursing diagnosis, defining characteristics, related factors, suggestions for use, suggested alternative diagnoses, expected outcomes and evaluation criteria, NIC/NOC taxonomy, and suggested nursing actions. An excellent reference resource for staff nurses in a variety of settings, clinical nurse specialists, and staff development employees.


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Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

Nursing Diagnosis: Application To Clinical Practice

Nursing Diagnosis: Application to Clinical Practice
The Thirteenth Edition of Nursing Diagnosis: Application to Clinical Practice is a classic text that is revised to incorporate the 2009/2011 NANDA-approved nursing diagnoses, offer definitive guidance on key elements of nursing diagnosis and its application to clinical practice. Section One thoroughly explains the role of nursing diagnosis in the nursing process and in care planning. Section Two, a comprehensive A-to-Z guide to current nursing diagnoses, has been reorganized into four parts: Individual Nursing Diagnoses, Family/Home Nursing Diagnoses, Community Nursing Diagnoses, and Health Promotion/Wellness Nursing Diagnoses. Section Three focuses on collaborative problems. Nursing Interventions Classifications (NIC) and Nursing Outcomes Classifications (NOC) are listed for every NANDA diagnosis. An appendix shows current NANDA diagnoses grouped under functional health patterns.


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Sabtu, 11 Juni 2011

Nursing Diagnosis Manual: Planning, Individualizing, And Documenting Client Care

Nursing Diagnosis Manual: Planning, Individualizing, and Documenting Client Care
Here is the step-by-step resource you will turn to-again and again-to select the appropriate diagnosis and develop accurate care plans. It also includes an alphabetical listing of all NANDA approved nursing diagnoses. Only in Doenges' Manual will you find for each diagnosis.defining characteristics presented subjectively and objectively, sample clinical applications to ensure you have selected the appropriate diagnoses, prioritized action/interventions with rationales, a documentation section, and much more! Plus the Health Conditions section includes over 800 diseases/disorders with associated diagnoses presented by priority! And, Davis's Nursing Diagnosis and Care Planning Resource Center online features a searchable database with 800 diagnoses plus a wealth of clinical tools and valuable information.


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Jumat, 10 Juni 2011

Nursing Care Plans: Diagnoses, Interventions, And Outcomes

Nursing Care Plans: Diagnoses, Interventions, and Outcomes

The most comprehensive nursing care planning book available, Nursing Care Plans, 7th Edition features more than 200 care plans covering the most common medical-surgical nursing diagnoses and clinical problems. As in past editions, authors Meg Gulanick and Judith Myers meticulously updated content to ensure it reflects the most current clinical practice and professional standards in nursing, while still retaining the easy-to-use, reader-friendly format that make this book so unique. Functioning as two books in one, it provides you with both a collection of 68 nursing diagnosis care plans to use as starting points for creating individualized care plans and a library of 143 disease-specific care plans for medical-surgical conditions most frequently encountered in nursing practice.

  • Includes the most extensive array of care plans found in any nursing care planning book, with 68 nursing diagnosis care plans and 143 disease/disorder/procedure care plans, for a total of 211.

  • An introductory chapter explains essential concepts such as the components of a care plan, NIC and NOC classification systems, and how to create a care plan.

  • Pre-formatted nursing diagnosis care plans include a NANDA definition, a brief explanation of the diagnosis, related NOC outcomes and NIC interventions, related factors, defining characteristics, expected outcomes, ongoing assessment, and therapeutic interventions.

  • Pre-formatted disorders care plans include synonyms for the disorder (for ease in cross referencing), a clear and succinct definition of the disorder, related factors, defining characteristics, expected outcomes, NIC interventions and NOC outcomes, ongoing assessment, and therapeutic interventions for each relevant nursing diagnosis.

  • Eye-catching icons differentiate between dependent and independent interventions to help you better understand how to function in collaboration with the healthcare team.

  • An Online Care Plan Constructor on the companion Evolve website includes all 68 nursing diagnoses care plans in the text, enabling you to customize care plans for an individual patient. In addition, 25 pre-formatted bonus medical-surgical care plans are provided for viewing online or printing.

  • Updated content incorporates the latest evidence-based data and best practice guidelines to help you provide the highest quality nursing care.

  • Revised and expanded rationales include explanations for nursing interventions to help you understand what the nurse does and why.

  • Expanded and more specific outcome statements for each nursing diagnosis help you develop measurable patient outcomes.

  • New content on patient safety and preventable complications addresses national initiatives and discusses the nurse's responsibility in preventing complications such as falls, pressure ulcers, infections, etc. QSEN competencies are integrated throughout.

  • 11 new disorder care plans include:

    • Pulmonary Hypertension

    • Cystic Fibrosis

    • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    • Peptic Ulcer

    • Fibromyalgia

    • Solid Organ Transplant

    • Hemodialysis

    • Breast Reduction

    • Pelvic Relaxation Disorder

    • Hyperthyroidism

    • Psoriasis

  • 6 new nursing diagnoses care plans include:

    • Impaired Dentition

    • Disturbed Energy Field

    • Readiness for Enhanced Immunization

    • Sedentary Lifestyle

    • Post-Trauma Syndrome

    • Relocation Stress Syndrome


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Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

Sparks And Taylor's Nursing Diagnosis Reference Manual

Sparks and Taylor's Nursing Diagnosis Reference Manual

Sparks and Taylor's Nursing Diagnosis Reference Manual, Eighth Edition provides clearly written, authoritative care plan guidelines for all 2009-2011 NANDA International (NANDA-I) approved nursing diagnoses. The book is newly designed with bright colors, and organized by life-stages and type of care. Each Part opens with a new feature, Applying Evidence-Based Practice, which responds directly to the content. Each NANDA diagnosis includes associated Nursing Interventions Classifications (NIC) and Nursing Outcomes Classifications (NOC), and the nursing process is integrated throughout. This book is the ideal resource for any clinical setting.


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Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

Nurse's Pocket Guide: Diagnoses, Prioritized Interventions And Rationales

Nurse's Pocket Guide: Diagnoses, Prioritized Interventions and Rationales
This pocket size portable reference is the perfect tool for you to use to select the appropriate diagnosis to plan your patient care effectively. The 12th Edition features the latest nursing diagnoses and updated interventions. And, Davis Nursing Diagnosis and Care Planning Resource Center online features a searchable database with 800 diagnoses plus a wealth of clinical tools and valuable information.


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Selasa, 07 Juni 2011

Sparks And Taylor's Nursing Diagnosis Pocket Guide

Sparks and Taylor's Nursing Diagnosis Pocket Guide


NEW Sparks and Taylor's Nursing Diagnosis Pocket Guide is a pocket-sized companion to Sparks and Taylor's Nursing Diagnosis Reference Manual, 8e. This book offers a quick guide to authoritative plans of care for the most up-to-date 2009-2011 NANDA International (NANDA-I) approved nursing diagnoses. A unique assessment framework, colorful design and use of two-page spreads for each diagnosis, make the process of finding and using diagnoses quick and effective. See links between NANDA-I and the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) and Nursing Outcomes Classification(NOC) labels, and learn how these all fit together to provide patients with a global aspect of care. This book will be useful across nursing disciplines, throughout the curriculum, and as a clinical nurse.


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Senin, 06 Juni 2011

Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide To Planning Care (8th Edition) [8E] (PAPERBACK)

Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care (8th edition) [8E] (PAPERBACK)
This innovative resource teaches you the critical thinking and assessment skills you need to build customized care plans based on each patient's unique needs. Its step-by-step approach guides you through the process, helping you formulate a nursing diagnosis based on known information and assessment findings; identify the appropriate nursing diagnosis; and create a care plan that includes desired outcomes, interventions, and evidence-based rationales. Nursing Diagnosis Handbook is an essential care planning resource you will turn to again and again throughout your nursing education and career.

* Provides care plans for every NANDA-I approved nursing diagnosis.
* Includes examples of and suggested NIC and NOC interventions and outcomes for each care plan.
* A convenient A-to-Z organization in Sections I and II helps you quickly locate key information.
* Evidence-based practice information is incorporated throughout.
* Includes complete coverage of pediatric, geriatric, and multicultural considerations, as well as home care and client/family teaching guidelines for each condition.
* A Care Plan Constructor on the Evolve website helps you create customized plans of care.

* Features the most up-to-date NANDA-I approved nursing diagnoses, including approximately 15 new, 20 revised, and 5 replacement diagnoses.
* Provides a more detailed explanation of NIC and NOC taxonomies and their use in care planning.
* Explanations of assessment versus action interventions help guide you to the correct choice of intervention.
* Covers important information on concept mapping.
* Patient/Family Teaching sections offer expanded wellness and health promotion information.
* Clustered wellness nursing diagnoses are quick and easy to locate.
* Includes the latest evidence-based nursing rationales.


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Minggu, 05 Juni 2011

Handbook Of Nursing Diagnosis

Handbook of Nursing Diagnosis

Authored by the foremost authority on NANDA diagnoses, this best-selling handbook is a quick reference to nursing diagnoses and collaborative problems. The book is organized for speedy reference and uses a two-part format: Nursing Diagnoses and Diagnostic Clusters with a collaborative focus. This edition has been revised to incorporate the 2009/2011 NANDA-approved nursing diagnoses.

Every NANDA diagnosis includes listings of associated Nursing Interventions Classifications (NIC) and Nursing Outcomes Classifications (NOC). Other features include Author's Notes sections and icons highlighting considerations for special populations. A laminated card groups common diagnoses by functional health patterns.


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Mosby's Guide To Nursing Diagnosis

Mosby's Guide to Nursing Diagnosis

This pocket-sized reference is ideal for use in clinicals, in class, and at the bedside! A condensed version of the Nursing Diagnosis Handbook, 9th Edition, Mosby's Guide to Nursing Diagnosis uses a quick-access format to help students make nursing diagnoses and write care plans with confidence and ease. It includes the most recent NANDA-I approved nursing diagnoses, suggested nursing diagnoses for over 1,300 client symptoms, and a guide to creating care plans including desired outcomes, interventions, and patient teaching.

  • Unique! Provides care plans for every NANDA-I approved nursing diagnosis.

  • Allows quick access to specific symptoms and nursing diagnoses with alphabetical thumb tabs.

  • Includes pediatric, geriatric, multicultural, and home care interventions as necessary for plans of care, with home care and client/family teaching guidelines for each condition.

  • A pocket size makes this book easy to carry and use in clinicals, in class, or at the bedside.

  • Unique! Includes the new 2009-2011 NANDA-I approved nursing diagnoses including 21 new and 9 revised diagnoses.


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Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011

Prentice Hall Nursing Diagnosis Handbook (9th Edition)

Prentice Hall Nursing Diagnosis Handbook (9th Edition)
This easy-to-use guide gives students instant access to information needed to write thorough, individualized care plans based on the most recent NANDA-approved nursing diagnoses. Nursing Interventions Classifications (NIC) and Nursing Outcome Classifications (NOC) are incorporated throughout. The guide presents diagnoses associated with medical, surgical, psychiatric, perinatal, and pediatric patient populations. Each Plan of Care includes: definition of nursing diagnosis, defining characteristics, related factors, suggestions for use, suggested alternative diagnoses, expected outcomes and evaluation criteria, NIC/NOC taxonomy, and suggested nursing actions.


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Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide To Planning Care

Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care
This innovative resource teaches you the critical thinking and assessment skills you need to build customized care plans based on each patient's unique needs. Its step-by-step approach guides you through the process, helping you formulate a nursing diagnosis based on known information and assessment findings; identify the appropriate nursing diagnosis; and create a care plan that includes desired outcomes, interventions, and evidence-based rationales. Nursing Diagnosis Handbook is an essential care planning resource you will turn to again and again throughout your nursing education and career.

  • Provides care plans for every NANDA-I approved nursing diagnosis.
  • Includes examples of and suggested NIC and NOC interventions and outcomes for each care plan.
  • A convenient A-to-Z organization in Sections I and II helps you quickly locate key information.
  • Evidence-based practice information is incorporated throughout.
  • Includes complete coverage of pediatric, geriatric, and multicultural considerations, as well as home care and client/family teaching guidelines for each condition.
  • A Care Plan Constructor on the Evolve website helps you create customized plans of care.

  • Features the most up-to-date 2007-2008 NANDA-I approved nursing diagnoses, including approximately 15 new, 20 revised, and 5 replacement diagnoses.
  • Provides a more detailed explanation of NIC and NOC taxonomies and their use in care planning.
  • Explanations of assessment versus action interventions help guide you to the correct choice of intervention.
  • Covers important information on concept mapping.
  • Patient/Family Teaching sections offer expanded wellness and health promotion information.
  • Clustered wellness nursing diagnoses are quick and easy to locate.
  • Includes the latest evidence-based nursing rationales.


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Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: A Guide To Planning Care

Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: A Guide to Planning Care
This bestselling reference helps users make nursing diagnoses and write care plans with ease and confidence. It helps nurses correlate nursing diagnoses with known information about clients on the basis of assessment findings, established medical or psychiatric diagnoses, and the current treatment plan. This extensively revised and updated edition presents the most up-to-date information on all 2005-2006 NANDA-approved nursing diagnoses. You'll also appreciate the handbook's integration of both the NIC and NOC taxonomies; evidence-based nursing interventions; home care; client/family teaching; and multicultural, geriatric, and pediatric considerations. Instructor resources are available; contact your sales representative for details.

  • Helps users understand how to make a nursing diagnosis and plan care using the nursing process and evidence-based nursing research.
  • The practical, step-by-step format helps users make diagnoses and write care plans with ease and confidence.
  • Integrates both NIC and NOC interventions and outcomes in each care plan.
  • Features essential home care, client/family teaching, multicultural, pediatric, and geriatric considerations relevant to today's nursing students.
  • Helps users easily create customized plans of care using the Ackley, Ladwig Care Plan Constructor on the Evolve website.

  • This edition has been extensively revised and updated to include the most up-to-date information on all 2005-2006 NANDA-approved nursing diagnoses.
  • The new alphabetical thumb tabs offer easy access to specific nursing diagnosis care plans.
  • Features a helpful explanation of how to use the Guide to Nursing Diagnoses and Guide to Planning Care sections.
  • Features many enhancements to the accompanying Evolve website (see Ancillaries for details).
  • Includes more detailed information about NOC and its use in nursing care planning.
  • Guide to Nursing Diagnoses section features more emotional/spiritual elements and now includes coverage of Mad Cow, E. Coli, West Nile, Foodborne Illnesses, and Pesticide Contamination.
  • Guide to Planning Care section now offers updated and expanded multicultural, pediatric, and evidence-based interventions/rationales.
  • An appendix now includes Gordon's Functional Health Patterns, as adapted by the authors.


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Rabu, 01 Juni 2011

Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide To Planning Care

Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care

Use this convenient resource to formulate nursing diagnoses and create individualized care plans! Updated with the most recent NANDA-I approved nursing diagnoses, Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care, 9th Edition shows you how to build customized care plans using a three-step process: assess, diagnose, and plan care. It includes suggested nursing diagnoses for over 1,300 client symptoms, medical and psychiatric diagnoses, diagnostic procedures, surgical interventions, and clinical states. Authors Elizabeth Ackley and Gail Ladwig use Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) and Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) information to guide you in creating care plans that include desired outcomes, interventions, patient teaching, and evidence-based rationales.

  • Promotes evidence-based interventions and rationales by including recent or classic research that supports the use of each intervention.
  • Unique! Provides care plans for every NANDA-I approved nursing diagnosis.
  • Includes step-by-step instructions on how to use the Guide to Nursing Diagnoses and Guide to Planning Care sections to create a unique, individualized plan of care.
  • Includes pediatric, geriatric, multicultural, and home care interventions as necessary for plans of care.
  • Includes examples of and suggested NIC interventions and NOC outcomes in each care plan.
  • Allows quick access to specific symptoms and nursing diagnoses with alphabetical thumb tabs.
  • Unique! Includes a Care Plan Constructor on the companion Evolve website for hands-on practice in creating customized plans of care.

  • Includes the new 2009-2011 NANDA-I approved nursing diagnoses including 21 new and 8 revised diagnoses.
  • Illustrates the Problem-Etiology-Symptom format with an easy-to-follow, colored-coded box to help you in formulating diagnostic statements.
  • Explains the difference between the three types of nursing diagnoses.
  • Expands information explaining the difference between actual and potential problems in performing an assessment.
  • Adds detailed information on the multidisciplinary and collaborative aspect of nursing and how it affects care planning.
  • Shows how care planning is used in everyday nursing practice to provide effective nursing care.


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